About Us

Who we are?
We are ambitious muslims who are conscious that time on earth is limited and we are here for a purpose. We are goal-oriented individuals who want to use our God-given skills for a greater good, make a difference in people’s lives and leave a good legacy behind us that will benefit us on the Day of judgement.
Meet our Founder & CEO
Omar is a graduate in Applied Mathematics and Supply Chain
Management with more than 10 years experience in the FMCG
and supply chain. He is passionate about the Quran, surfing,
Brazilian Jiu Ji Tsu, observing nature and visiting mosques
across the world and different cultures.
His problem-solving skills, his vision, his empathy and
coaching skills are great assets to this project. He decided
to invest in this project to fulfill a purpose and make a
difference in people’s lives.
Our Story
It all started in 2014 when one of my family members asked me to
be his/her executor after he/she passes away. I felt honored and
at the same time a great sense of responsibility. He/she lives
abroad far from the family and the legal procedures are not
simple. Many years later I started thinking that with time many of
her wishes might have changed, as well as his/her assets, his/her
family situation, debt situation etc.
This thought kept coming back into my mind for long time until I
decided to take action. The project idea flourished based on 2
fundamental observations today:
- We live in a globalized world where it has become common that
families are scattered across the globe.
- Our assets are more dynamic than ever, hence we need a platform
to quickly update our situation anywhere, anytime.
Then I decided to study the topic and see what the Quran and
Sunnah have to say about it. Various ayate and ahadith treat the
importance of the topic and finally when I first read this hadith
where the Prophet PBUH said:“It is not permissible for any muslim
who has assets to bequeath to go two consecutive nights without
having their last will and testament written” Bukhari 2738. When I
internalized this, I decided I really have to do something about
it. When we had our daughter, then I felt even more the urge to
carry this project.
We are so absorbed in this life that death has become taboo, yet
it is a reality for all of us and we forget that it can come any
time, whenever Allah has decided. We should be able to talk about
it and most importantly prepare for it. Prophet Muhammad PBUH also
said “Remember more often the destroyer of pleasures i.e death.”
Finally, it is daddening to see many people pass away and we don’t
know what are their wishes. It is more saddening to see families
break because of inheritance issues. We pray that this work will
make a difference and help people decide their legacy and enable
united and happy families around the world. Please pray and make
duaa for us.
Sincerely, Omar cedrati